Assigning cards to your location
When you order cards with Tap On Reviews, we assign the cards to your business before we ship them to you. This means that when your cards arrive to you, they’re ready to use!
When you’re ordering new cards, you can build a list of Businesses you want to assign the cards to, and how many of each of your selected quantity will be assigned to that business.
For example, lets say you had two businesses: “Joe Bloggs Clothing” and “Sarah Parker Accountancy” and you wanted 30?Google Review cards for Sarah Parker Accountancy and 20? Google Review cards for Joe Bloggs Clothing. You would add 50 cards to your basket, and enter two locations: “Joe Bloggs Clothing” with a quantity of 20 and? “Sarah Parker Accountancy” with a quantity of 30.
It’s that simple! This tells us exactly what businesses we need to assign your cards to, and how many!